Book 7, Part 1.1: The Plan of Apollo

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If you do not remember: Glaucus is the one that had a conversation with Diomedes and whom Diomedes let go because of xenia (guest-friendship). If Diomedes had NOT given him mercy (as Agamemnon would have wanted, since he shouted at Menelaus for considering mercy) then many of the Argives would not have died (or, at least, not by Glaucus’ hand).

Also, I’m not really sure why Apollon and Athena think this plan is going to work, since having Paris and Menelaus fight didn’t work. I guess because Aphrodite intervened and didn’t let the fight end properly? I guess after having read Livy I just know THIS NEVER WORKS. (Ohmygoodness, guys, read Livy’s The Founding of Rome. Great stories in there. One day I will stick figure it, if I am able, but that day is far in the future.)

Oh, also, I know I started with using the name Apollo, because He’s more commonly known as that, but I will probably start using Apollon. I also might change Ajax to Aias, because I don’t know why I didn’t and I have this problam with ‘j’s bobbing around in Greek words when Greek doesn’t have that sound. I’m trying to stay consistent, but it’s just really not working for everything *shrugs* I suppose that comes from not plotting this thing out at all. Oh well.


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